Image: Complete guide for your first Django application by Jennie Ron Ablog

Hello! I have recently just learned how to create a Django website. And like I always do, I just wrote a fresh guide that anyone can follow whether or not you have had experience with the framework.


  • Bash
  • Git
  • Python (Object-oriented approach)
  • Basic HTML and CSS

Listed above are what I think are the prerequisites for this particular guide. I really believe that they are easy to learn. If you’re not confident with your skills with the above items, I suggest going through the following tutorials first:


Using this guide, you should be able to create a simple blog web app with Django and deploy it using Heroku, which means that you will have a live blogsite running if you stick with me towards the end. I tried my best to make this guide as beginner friendly as possible. Also, I didn’t want it to be overwhelming so I divided it into four parts which I’ve outlined below.


Part 1: Initializing your Django application

  1. Set-up the development environment.
  2. Create the django project.
  3. Create the blog app.
  4. Define the models for the blog app.
  5. Create a site administrator.
  6. Use the Django shell to create a post.

Part 2: Creating the Django application interface

  1. List the app’s features.
  2. Set-up the URLs and initialize the views.
  3. Set-up the templates folder.
  4. Create the index page.
  5. Create the post page.

Part 3: Getting data from Django forms

  1. Create the Django form for the model.
  2. Link the form to its corresponding views and templates.
  3. Enable user authentication.
  4. Make the site navigation better.
  5. Create the base template for all templates.

Part 4: Deploying your Django app

  1. Set up Heroku.
  2. Set up static assets and database configuration.
  3. Create the heroku app.
  4. Configure the git repository within the project and deploy!

Alright. Now go ahead and click here to get started on your Django development journey. Good luck!